RVNS Summer Camp

Fantasy Writing Camp

This camp allows children the opportunity to explore their voice through writing and oral storytelling. Through the immersion of nature, we will learn different ways that writers use to convey words thus empowering each child to tell their story. Mindful rest and physical activities to help us connect with ourselves and our environment will be incorporated. Writers will leave camp with the confidence to give a voice to their own important stories. Writers will use their life experiences to create their own stories using Fantasy writing techniques. A mentor text will allow children to witness those techniques first hand by a published author. Dustin is a teacher and has spent summers at Columbia University’s Writers and Readers Workshops. Ages 6 to 12

June 17- June 21


Lead Teacher: Dustin

Kaufen und Kochen: A German Immersion Camp

Children will develop their baking and cooking skills as we make different foods to learn the names of numbers, colors, foods, and measurements. Along the way we’ll play some games and sing some songs to grow our understanding of German. Krista has 25 years of teaching experience in a variety of settings and is a lead teacher at RVNS. Ages 7 to 12

June 24 - June 28


Lead Teacher: Krista


Healthy Minds

This camp will help foster self-awareness in children as they get to know themselves and realize their interconnectedness with all. Children will practice mindfulness in nature and learn to identify their feelings. They will learn a little about how the brain functions and ways to gain greater self-regulation when experiencing strong emotions. There will also be plenty of time for imaginative and active play in nature, vital for healthy minds. Jen has 16 years experience counseling youth and families in school, home, agency and private practice settings and has recently served as a teaching assistant at RVNS. Ages 6 to 9

July 15-19


Lead Teacher: Jen