Individualized, compassionate education

An independent school in Lewisburg serving age 3 through Eighth Grade in 2024-2025.


Education that meets your child where they are.

Low student to teacher ratio allows focused attention on each child.

Flexible curriculum designed for your child’s interests and abilities.

Hands-on education in nature’s laboratory

Students make a deep connection with the natural world.


Patient practice with peaceful conflict resolution

Multi-age learning communities, with grounded, mindful guidance.

Learning the Way Children’s Bodies Were Meant to Learn


Move and Grow Strong

Young bodies need movement to be strong and healthy. Children are meant to move all day!


Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds

Movement and exercise prepare the mind and body to learn.


Free Play in Nature, Fresh Air

Children need free time to engage deeply in their environment and with their friends.

River Valley Nature School believes childhood is its own precious experience, to be celebrated and cherished. Our whole-child approach focuses on letting children be the special individuals they are right now. River Valley is a place for children to find their own voice, discover their own passion, listen to their own curiosities, make their own discoveries, and learn to honor the singular value of each of their friends. 

  • Enrolling soon for Nature Explorers (ages 3-4) through 8th grade for 2025-2026.

  • A grade level is added each year; serving through grade 8 in 2025-2026.